YouTube Premium is actual cancer
YouTube Premium is actual cancer
Or you simply don’t pay anything at all for either service by downloading add-ons that unlock Premium
xManager & Revanced on Android, literally the only reasons (+ Stremio) I will never buy an iPhone as long as these services exist. You save hundreds of dollars every year. Revanced has more options than YouTube Premium too, like automatically skipping sponsor sections.
Also the fact that planes these days are slower and travel times longer than 30 or 40 years ago. This makes the above seating arrangement even worse for long distance flights.
Seid ihr dumm? Wespen sind ebenso wie Bienen wichtige Bestäuber in unserem Ökosystem.
Flexitarier 😪
Idk why Japan is being credited for being the logical one when they simply copied the Chinese system/characters
Chinese weekdays make a lot more sense as well
Memes nowadays: edgy, post-ironic nihilism that portrays the current state of society and its flaws
Memes then: simple and lighthearted fun
Dimmable light switch