If it got that good vr would be in every household. Can’t wait to get a strangers finger up the bum.
If it got that good vr would be in every household. Can’t wait to get a strangers finger up the bum.
Doubt. Security by obscurity is as crap as the logo.
It’s personal preference. I’m a very smart tech person but like privacy and hate smart watches. But, they are handy and really life-changing for some.
Yh it does count although it only supports a certain set of hardware. Not entirely sure if that’s true though.
Maybe I’m not understanding both arguments here but I’d like to understand. I’ve had to review footage of a vending machine being shaken to release drinks.
You have no before or after visual clue as to when the event took place. The only indication is when you physically see it happening. The same could be said for an assault. If nothing is changed in the before or after static still how can you pinpoint the incident?
Yes there is. Assassin Snails for one.
Assassin Snails. That’s all you need.
Where do you get ads? Never ever seen a telegram ad.
How do you plan on organising without premium? Isn’t that server side?
Imagine actually saying yes to freezing your eggs because you can’t think of a life without work. I can only see a few good reasons why you’d want to do this and the main one is because it’s your own business. T
Maybe a 4am first time meet while high.
If the answer is yes it’s immediate love at first sight.
Bed pans might suffice with a strategic hole cut out.
For Microsoft related they should lock anything older than 2 days.
Said the non car driver.
Long term service branch exists on 10.
I don’t see the problem here.
No wonder he left with those writing skills.
That’s why your mom doesn’t have a passport.
Just use a jizz container.
That’s not 23 and me fault at all then. Basically boils down to password reuse. All i would say is they should have provided 2fa if they didn’t.