Hey, I told you, you don’t get your gun until you tell me your name.
His Global Warming in the Pipeline (pdf warning) paper is worrying. 10° C baked in, once you account for all feedbacks and he reckons Solar Radiation Management is our only chance - if it can be done without making things worse.
While the title of their article is correct, it’s not exactly the full story. Human emissions as accounted for by the Global Carbon Project have leveled off but atmospheric CO2 and CH4 are still rising. (And in CH4’s case, accelerating rapidly)
While the leveling off is a big improvement, we are a very, very long way from fixing this and feedbacks are kicking in that may well make it impossible.
And just for reference, here are the RCPs out to 2100:
If you’re interested, you can get RCPs here and observations from NOAA.