Just a brazilian physics student.
I never used cinnamon, but on what you’re saying, it might be that the version (popos ships) cinnamon is at doesn’t support nvidia on wayland, without bugs. I might be saying crap.
But on gnome (what i think is pop default DE) wayland works fine on 560, so yeah, very difficult situation.
At least for me, 560 works better with wayland than x11. xorg has problems with suspending/hibernating (IDK why), but wayland just works.
Incrível a mudança do poder no Brasil, de um sanguessuga oligarca nepobaby pra outro sanguessuga oligarca nepobaby.
In the next few years, this will hugely affect Brazil and other commodity exporting countries.
Moraes have a case in his hand (the tried coup last year), because he was the supreeme judge for the elections. He judged that these people tried to help the coup and demanded that their accounts are suspended (entirely cool with the constitution), as musk doesn’t want that, they’re gone from Brazil and might be blocked countrywide.
They tried a coup (with the military and the brazilian rural oligarchs), so it’s not “censorship”, it’s enforcing that Brazil is a democratic (even if very flawed) country. The constitution give this right to the supreme court and him (he was the supreme judge for the last election, so dealing with the aftermath of the election is his obligation), so it’s a lot more nuanced than you might say.
Edit: If Musk doesn’t respect our laws, let him get out of here haha.
Tem o vimm’s lair: https://vimm.net/vault/Xbox360
Muito obrigado pela resposta!
Agora é uma estrada inteira pela frente.
Pode ser vazamento de DNS, tenta colocar a dns no seu roteador como e tenta ver se dá.
Vlw pelas dicas! Vou usar elas.
Uso pelo cliente GUI. Dá pra usar em várias janelas.
Ah sim kkk. Não notei o peso do editor, parece estar bem rápido, sem hiccups nem nada até o momento.
Ah sim. No mundo do javascript, só mexi com o vanilla e com o jquery, então fiquei meio sem saber pra onde ir no front.
O react precisa compilar o typescript pra javascript né? Queria ver algo bem simples, sem precisar de transpilador, essas coisas. Mas vou dar uma olhada melhor.
Ahh, acho que o container tá roteando da porta 8080 pra porta 80 (-p 8080:80), então vc consegue acessar pela porta 80. Tenta rotear da porta do programa pra alguma outra porta (tipo a porta 8090: -p 8080:8090). Se não for isso, vou procurar mais coisas do que pode ser.
Aí daria pra acessar pelo localhost:8090
Blz! Desculpa o falso positivo!
Puts, parece ser complicado, tem algum firewall instalado? (antigamente vinha alguns, não me lembro o nome do que vinha com o ubuntu)
queria, mas a gastrite não me deixa mais, talvez daqui 4 meses eu possa kkkkrying
“Great teachers help students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills.”
Dá pra ver o pq do tarcísio querer isso né.
O gemini:
AI is unlikely to completely replace teachers in schools. Here’s why:
Human interaction is crucial: Teachers provide social-emotional support, motivation, and role models for students. AI can't replicate the human connection that's essential for learning and development.
Adaptability and Creativity: Teachers can adapt their teaching styles to individual students and unexpected situations. AI curriculums may struggle to address the unique needs of every student or respond to real-time situations.
Critical Thinking and Soft Skills: Great teachers help students develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills. While AI can deliver information, it may not be effective at fostering these crucial skills.
However, AI can be a valuable tool for teachers:
Personalized Learning: AI can personalize learning paths for students based on their strengths and weaknesses. This can free up teachers to provide more targeted support.
Automated Tasks: AI can handle tedious tasks like grading and administrative work, giving teachers more time to focus on teaching.
Data Analysis: AI can analyze student data to identify at-risk students or areas where the class is struggling. This can help teachers intervene early and adjust their approach.
Overall, AI is likely to play a supportive role in education, rather than replacing teachers altogether. The best classrooms will likely leverage the strengths of both AI and human educators.
Acho que eles tavam focando menos em análises de filmes/jogos, pelo vídeo de anúncio no canal principal. Agora eles reviveram o canal secundário com essas análises.