NDAA passed in the house today. Set to go to the Senate floor next week. So not much longer to go I guess.
NDAA passed in the house today. Set to go to the Senate floor next week. So not much longer to go I guess.
Here’s the legislation itself. It’s damning. Specific, to the point, and justifies itself by claiming credible evidence and testimony exist to prove what Grusch has said.
Gist I get so far: All documentation of UAP is, by default, unclassified and set for immediate disclosure. If it’s older than 25 years, it’s declassified and released. Otherwise it goes through a review and at no more than 25 years it becomes public. There are outs to that of course, but MASSIVE step in the right direction. This thing is basically directly confirming what Grusch said is completely true and we are, in fact, not alone.
Edit: stupid me. Forgot to link to it.
Just a flying garlic. Nothing to see here. Common occurance around these parts.
I had GPT summarize the article. Also had it check out the guy claiming things, I’ll post that separately.
Good question. Based on not much yet, I’m guessing it won’t be the NHIs revealing themselves. I think it’ll be a government somewhere admitting to knowing about it, slow leak of information, the public never getting the whole story. I hope I’m wrong and there’s full transparency, but we live in a world of secrets so I don’t have my hopes too high on that.
However, I am really interested to see what comes of the upcoming hearings. People who matter seem to be taking it seriously - not just on the missing money parts, but also the out-there claims that have been made by Grusch.
Growing up in a world of fundies, I can almost guarantee it’ll be a lot of “IT’S DEMONS. THE DEVIL IS TRYING TO TRICK YOU!” Outside of that world, I expect a lot more logic and reason. I hope, anyway.
Yeah, at my company we switched to allow/block listed last year. Whitelisted and blacklisted are verboten
I don’t believe this one way or the other, but as mentioned, I grew up in a fanatical religious Baptist family. Fuck that noise. Anyway, once I got out I ate up all the “here’s why religion is a lie” stuff I could get my hands on. I always found it really interesting how much of christianity is just stories from older beliefs with a new varnish on top.
Since Grusch came out, I have been reading/watching more things and keep getting slapped in the face with references to religion when I’m not looking for it.
So, zero actual belief that this is true, but I’ll keep an open mind until more details come out from the hearings that seem to be getting ready.
Just wanna say, I have the “I am a beacon of joy” hoodie and I cannot wear it out and not get a compliment on it. Best hoodie ever. Love your work!