Agreed even just sending a stupid meme or a joke shows you were thinking of them and can be a lighthearted convo starter.
Led Zeppelin’s Hot Dog song comes to mind.
You only have to brush x2 daily and floss once daily for the teeth you want to keep lol
Enjoy your snack, you earned it!
I used soundboards with my friends. My favorite was Betty Grovenstein, she was a sex hotline worker with a nasally New Englander accent.
Well hello there sexy. 🤤
Agreed. I really like eating a banana and drinking milk with it. Low key but hella satisfying, decent nutrition and zero prep.
Poor creature wasn’t even loved by its creator. It would make anyone feel some type of way.
Opossum lifestyle, deal with it.
Oh god, I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. Thanks stranger. 🤮
I don’t miss the often-regurgitated response of “Gee, thanks stranger” that Redditers would say after receiving gold. It would always annoy me.
Based off the comments, I guess this is only permissible if you’re an opossum…to which it’s obvious that our friend ickplant is in fact an awesome opossum so this post makes sense. 😆
If looks could kill, we would all be dead by now. Dapper pup!
Oh my gourd!