Them: Can you perform under pressure?
Me: Mmm num ba de
Dum bum ba be
Doo buh dum ba beh beh
Them: Can you perform under pressure?
Me: Mmm num ba de
Dum bum ba be
Doo buh dum ba beh beh
How are you hanging your antenna? Dipoles for 20m and lower are typically set up in an Inverted V configuration, which should work fine with the 10m mast you already have.
As someone who used to troubleshoot an extremely complex system for my day job, I can say I’ve worked my way across the entire bell curve.
The things is, if you try to parse html with a regex, you will always be able to construct valid html that will break it, no matter how complex your regex becomes.
Did you know that XLR is also something of a standard for interchangeable sex machine attachments?
Hahaha, I had no clue about the shells.
He doesn’t know how to use the three seashells!
I was going to suggest The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, after all, they will already have a towel.