Three Horsemen of the crapocalypse
Three Horsemen of the crapocalypse
I am no vegetarian but I rarely buy meat, because I can make a succulent meal without meat. I enjoy the occasional BBQ but cooking with tofu and other protein replacements is just so much cheaper and healthier than buying shitty meats on the regular. Just enjoy the occasional, high quality meat
Is a Tijuana dog also called devil dog?
Reichstags fire when
Fuck George W. is a nice way to remember the beginning
Yeah! I very vividly remember him saying he will be a 1 term president. Haven’t read about it anywhere
Blood dragon was amazing. I probably should give it a go again
I usually skip all historical holodeck episodes in VOY, besides the WW2 ones
Le Anschluss?
Black Mesa is just ““chef’s kiss””
I was just about to say this looks a lot like S&B curry
But isn’t playing “blind” the standard way to beat a game?
Looks like dry ice to keep it inflated? With all the fogginess in the bag and so
You can use a pencil to rewind cassettes after the tape got pulled out by the cassette recorder
I was expecting it to be some kind of ritual weapon
Ok genuine question, what is the difference between a SQL database and a simple Excel spreadsheet?