Yeah, it really doesn’t have all that much to do with football at all lol, more of a plot device than an actual theme.
Yeah, it really doesn’t have all that much to do with football at all lol, more of a plot device than an actual theme.
Ted Lasso is a great stepping stone to get into soccer and also throughout its 3 seasons a great, empathetic critique of toxic masculinity and how racism, homophobia and narcissism affect individuals and groups. The writing, the characters, both the villains and the team members are well written and incredibly funny. One of my favourite shows I didn’t expect really like.
Cougartown is also very funny, I loved Community and had seen Abed reference the show several times before finally watched Cougartown. Lots of clever gags and jokes, well thought out, flawed characters with interesting dynamics and (mis)adventures.
Tagsüber hell, nachts dunkel.
Aufm PC dann noch f.lux so eingestellt, dass es den Bildschirm verdunkelt und die Blautöne reduziert wenn die Sonne untergeht.
Einfacher Litmus-Test dazu:
Vergöttlichst du Elon Musk also Erfinder und Zukunftsretter oder ist er auch Teil der Elite?
Martyrdom is my guess
An armed dog ate my home work
I can only recommend Our Changing Climates take on this: “Are Men Killing the Planet?”
The title is inflammatory, yes, but it’s a great video that drives home the point of masculine insecurity and a “dominance of nature” spurs a lot of the “masculine” stereotype behind trucks and SUVs.
Piped (see the bot)
Germans beat ya to it
„So I started blasting”
- the White House, probably
For those curious if this applies to tires in the EU as well, yes it appears so.
Here is a 2020 question from Margrete Auken to the European Commission:
and the answer from the EU Commission:
Two Swiss artists in the 18th century were studying in Dresden and called it the “Saxon Switzerland” because it reminded them of their home.
The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.
I recently heard it phrased like this:
Capitalism is built on hierarchy, which means someone fundamentally NEEDS to be at the bottom. There is no way around it, someone needs to suffer.
How does something like this not show up in tests?
Ministerpräsident Markus Söder und sein Vize Hubert Aiwanger seien zwar nicht für den Steinwurf verantwortlich.
Doch. Stochastischer Terrorismus und “Führerlose Widerstand” sind klare Bedrohungen, und solang Populisten solche Parolen nutzen und Angst und Hetze verbreiten, stehen sie moralisch direkt dahinter. Auch wenn es rechtlich noch nicht so gesehen wird.
Control + Arrows also moves your text cursor by whole words. Combine it with shift and you can easily select a bunch of text without the mouse.
Another one that took me far too long to learn: Shift + Tab will do the same thing as tab (next element) in reverse
Jetzt aber komme es fast jeden Tag zu Privatanzeigen. Das führe dazu, dass weniger Menschen das Restaurant besuchen würden, so der Gastronom Mehmet Özel
Bullshit. Was ist es mit diesen Ladenbesitzer und das Irrglauben, dass wenn ihre Kunden nicht bis an den Tisch oder an die Kasse vorfahren dürfen, sie nicht mehr kommen? Und wieso dürfen sie solchen Mist einfach unkritisiert berichten, obwohl es in jede autofreie Straße der Welt genau das Gegenteil zeigt? Sie reden als würden Fußgängerzonen in den meisten Städten nicht schon seit Jahrzehnten existieren.
What was it? Kansas? That literally opened an anonymous report page for people who were trans or supported trans rights? What will they do with that data, is the question. Because they’re definitely not pushing HRT, therapy or counselling via ads.
Leider zu typisch für Mannheim, 80% interessieren sich für nix und ein paar reiche Eigentümer und Inhaber können anhand SLAP-klagen und Lobbyarbeiten alles verhindern.
Leider auch ein Anzeichen, wie die nächste 8 Jahre hochwahrscheinlich aussehen werden.
lmao no way in hell this is legally binding