I’d add that especially in developed countries, we have gotten used to the high energy-density of fossil fuels, which is the result of millions of years of pressure, temperature or in short: energy. And we are using up this energy within two centuries. This resulted in the unsustainable lifestyle (it’s everywhere we look), that would have to be curbed, if we were to get off this Jurassic Park Experiment completely.
Therefore a number of people see their very (unsustainable) way of life in jeopardy. This source of resistance is what gives that culture war BS its fuel in the first place. At least in my experience of talking with people it is this negative emotional place that leads them to embrace false information in order to keep their lifestyles. Which in turn makes cooperation impossible. To make it even worse, people in developing countries now aspire to the same lifestyle - and who can blame them? But I don’t trust their (or ours for that matter) politics enough to hope for scientifically sound action to get there.
Kann ich nur bestätigen… Schon mein FP1U war super resistent. Eine erdrückende Begegnung mit einem Bus war dann jedoch des Guten zu viel. Mein FP3 habe ich nur deswegen auseinander genommen, um mal alle Öffnungen zu reinigen (und mir das ganze etwas näher anzuschauen). Stürze scheinen nur der Stossstange was anzuhaben; das Handy ist noch in 1A Zustand und mit dem verlängerten OS-Support noch für einige Zeit brauchbar. Eine schöne Abwechslung nachdem ich vorher ein “Baustellen-Handy” hatte, dessen Anzeige aufgrund von Temperaturspannungen auf dem Nachttisch liegend barst.