0..9999999 | Where-Object { Test-ValidTaxReturn $_ } | Select-Object -First 1
0..9999999 | Where-Object { Test-ValidTaxReturn $_ } | Select-Object -First 1
Dynamic programming
Only due to using a different user agent, it’s totally possible to build a for-the-people pagerank that would see what we see and deprioritize stuff like ads and fluff on recipe pages
Would be nice if such behaviour tanked SEO
Probably better off just reading https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_common_misconceptions More concise
I’m hyped AF, can’t wait till the documentation is a little more mature
Personally, it sounds like quite a warm environment
+1, has dot env file support so you can commit your rest experiments to your repo without worrying about exposing auth secrets
OJJ policy states that children can be sent to Angola from other facilities for any number of reasons, including committing certain acts of violence against a staff member or possessing marijuana. Even kids determined to have a serious mental illness or “significant developmental disabilities” can be transferred to the unit.
Ah yes, let’s starve our children and put them in oven jail… Because of weed and mental health. That sounds healthy.
The worst part of ML is Python package management
LaTeX gang