More Displayspace, more better
My Cabbages!
Others already said Mental/Hormones, it could also be low blood pressure. A little dizziness when standing up fast, maybe Feet that are always cold? Both are potential signs.
but the offer has consumed resurces
Scotland calls bullshit
you do you, ignore idiots!
Unsupported and Unrecommended. Yeahh that was the point where I just deinstalled the Server. Didn’t want to invest the work/time in an unsupported Usecase
Wasnt there also the self compiling option? I vaguely remember something in that direction.
So any Plans for a Linux client?
Need to pet. Good Doggo :)
Aber ich bin frühstens Morgen wieder Fahrtüchtig
Hast du etwa keinen doxxing Ordner?
Ich hatte dir doch gesagt zu welchem Bahnhof du kommen musst.
da wirst du mich wohl zum schweigen bringen müssen zwinker zwinker schwarze post
Weiß Nudel das du die Katzenbilder Teilst?
Why not Calling? BT Headphone are quite good at calls
Me too, me too pall.
Key Points: