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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023

  • I read through the comments and replies here… have you considered that it’s just aged out or a bad batch somehow?If it does not extract, show some reaction to boiling water, or darken the water, there is a problem. If this is pre ground it could be >6m old. Not sure there’s another explanation here.

    In one comment you mention that it “actually tastes good”… How do you know this if it’s not properly “mixing” with boiling water? Diluted coffee tastes not great, so it’s a confusing thing to say

  • Decaf beans are harder to roast well (IMO) so it tends to be that the mass distributed ones won’t be great since they’re in less demand. You can find small locals that do decaf runs sometimes, or order green beans and do it yourself. Remember, darker means less caffeine, so if you’re pulling medium roast beans and have no good decaf source, try something dark that you can tolerate and see whether it helps

  • Counterpoint, if this dude can’t complete a bachelor’s yet he thinks he has “multiple Masters theses” he could complete “if only the system would let him”, he is definitely unfit to be any type of manager at this stage.

    I have similar focus issues and it sucks, but literally everyone in their early twenties feels this way at some point. I would agree with getting a job, or just focusing to complete any BA, having to compare one’s skill set in a specific consistent thing against other people is important for a reality check

  • Counterpoint: If my existence as a marginalized individual has already been politicized by conservatives, then I lack the privileged position to simply “Make the point and shut up”, which is what you are effectively suggesting. When my identity as a human being (by blood, not beliefs) has been made a political argument, then no I’m sorry, my identity is also political… and that has been forced on me. Nothing about that invalidates the points I have to make to argue for my continued existence.

    All I’m saying is, you act like identity is an abstract thing from politics, but for some people it can never be. Just being quiet means they are still people arguing for your death.

  • Broseph, their intent is to discourage this practice and that’s definitely what a $ charge will do. As you can see, they also mentioned only during off peak hours, and having a system allows them to cap the number of people doing it.

    This is a mitigation step as they attempt to compromise between two of their core customer demographics. Ragepost moar, this is a smart move on their part