Again, I don’t do “quibbling definitions with sophists”, and honestly this just reads as techno-woo made to justify leaving dead rovers and broken satellites in our wake. “Oh, it was already there in trace amounts so we can just leave our toys scattered around the playroom.” If I had that kind of laissez-faire attitude towards say, Yellowstone, I’d be put out of the park and banned for life. The fuck happened to ‘leave no trace’?
Funny-- I’d swear there’s a bunch of frog colonizers somewhere on the fediverse, right now, malding that they’re rightfully getting called to the carpet for being neocolonial scum. This is not painting them in the best of lights; backing a vassal-minstrel state to carry out their theft for them.
No more neocolonial frogs in the motherland, neither in person, nor by minstrel proxy-- and that goes double for AFRICOM peckerwoods.