• 26 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: October 23rd, 2024


  • Just because the US “demonizes” some countries, as you put it, does not mean that there are no legitimate reasons for opposing the influence of those countries. That is not hatred, that is realism.

    Russia only asks of Ukraine not to join NATO, and host US missile bases, and to stop being hateful. If US supported French supremacists in Switzerland to exterminate their German population then point missiles at Germany, should Germany do anything? Object at all? All US allies siding with the US on such diminishment would declare “Germany the bad actor”. Resentment against “Former German regimes” would have nothing related to current hatred/propaganda against Germany. The world of US sycophancy means nothing is real anymore.

    A Canadian toddler should understand that a country that has never threatened us makes a better friend/no longer enemy status than a current enemy that has them as enemy status.

  • morals and ideals.

    Shitting on Russia is popular propaganda, that “we” always believe because we’ve always shit on Russia (except perhaps when Yeltsin was giving the country away to US backed oligarchs). Every lie is true because we unquestionably believed every previous lie. There is only pure demonism instead of “moral high ground” in diminishing other countries. “Liberal supremacy ideals” that give us the right to destroy “less liberally ideal” societies is not significantly different than right wing ethnic supremacism.

    Instead of fixating on “those American indoctrinated ideals that the US used to have”, waking up to “The US has declared war on Canada”, and ending our enemy relationship to the US’s enemy is step 1 in defending ourselves. That you hope Europe will be closer friends with us, is a nice thing to hope for, but all NATO colonies cowering in fear and not doing anything together is not an effective alliance. A sewing circle for the abused wives club waiting for big daddy to come into the room, and then point at each other over who should be ravaged is not the best defense.

  • A multipolar world is one where countries outside of US get a say. Basic respect for Russia instead of demonic anti-human diminishment goals of pretending you can create a civil war there is multipolarism. That Canada and other former NATO colonies form a “shared values” block is a terrific idea. That US be favoured over Russia is a bad idea, without giving Russia all of the same authority over Canada that US currently holds. Choosing independence is right path for Canada. Not finding a new slave master.

  • it would build a $6bn 5 gigawatt solar plant backed with more than 19GWh of battery storage — the largest such project ever attempted.

    When it starts in two years’ time, its batteries will give the country a constant output of 1GW

    For their sun rates, this is 2c/kwh “baseload” electricity for next 50 years. (excluding financing/ROI, but also inflation).

    A failure of democracy is “free speech” is freedom to lie and pillage the country by those with loudest voice. These countries don’t suffer from that, but also gives them more exportable oil instead of relying on it for expensive electricity production.

  • Maybe it’s all Europeans downvoting me. Keep in mind that very extensive US led propaganda is responsible for your hatreds.

    For Canada, and what should be Europeans too, the phantom threat of Russia should not be weighed as a real threat. The direct tangilbe threat of war by US should weigh very heavily.

    If the downvotes are not all from your propaganda handlers, you don’t have time to be too shocked to lose your fantasized hatred (direct cause of your economic and political underperformance/destruction since Ukraine war) in order to deal with the real hatred towards you, that comes from the same assholes who’ve be propagandizing you all along.