I didn’t want to have spyware for an os.
I didn’t want to have spyware for an os.
As someone insecure in their masculinity I don’t know if u would use ladybird. Now if it was MANbird I would.
Well if they recorded and student jerking it then the school made cp and. I doubt theor is a limitation on that.
Not every sub. The ones I use are mostly unchanged
So tldr start with a dual boot machine
Any genres you focus on?
Thanks gay furry hackers
Ah yes grammatical gender and lexical gender butting heads
Wrll you have to use a pixel phone to use graphene os
That why we should adopt my ipv12. Its three levels of addresses rach 512 bit longs. One for host one for network and one what ever the heel else need. Planet that’s it we asogn each planet a 512 bit address
Oh god that brings back memories. Reallying dumb ones of people but memories none the less
In some that’s true for everyone. Even with in the same language milliseconds can change if you’re precived as rude or not. Many people aren’t aware of this. We Just internalize a rythm and a bunch of rules. Then some one breaks them an they come off as rude or mean. Its just something baked into us.
But every language has a constant changing lexicon and a difference between offical and actually used.
What are you talking about
So wholesome and cute
Where dies their water cine from, where does their poop go?
These as silly as they sound are important. Say a river flows into the lap, maybe an old drainage system. Niw they have 1 oltace to get water. Do they need some ti cast purify on it? If yes that person is very very important and would respected.
That’s just 1 option for water, but yoy get the idea. They must havr food water and way to remove waste.
And the original ending in the book and old film
You eXcrete on X
Well some llm have been caught wirh cp in their training data
I had a dual boot machine for a year or so when i first used linux. Never actually went into windows the whole time