The antlers through the roof, a deer driving a hunting truck, the cluster in the shape of a paw, the tense cheetah cop uses. Its a classic. (I didn’t notice all of these the first time I saw it years ago)
formally found my home on
The antlers through the roof, a deer driving a hunting truck, the cluster in the shape of a paw, the tense cheetah cop uses. Its a classic. (I didn’t notice all of these the first time I saw it years ago)
FA is furaffinity, one of the more popular furry art sites. Sure, why not, there is even a tag on e621
Welcome, you are now allowed to use the furry denial memes,
I hate to tell you this, but if you thought that that was convincing, I think you have your answer.
The only one who can decide if you are a furry is you. If you think you are the answer is yes, if you think you aren’t the answer is no. You’ll find slice of life comics for anything, in jokes and furry slice of life too.
you might be a furry if…
I have a local shop who makes their own. I like the 85% dark from Peru. Its so good.
I think its just a play on t’was referring to the past but also has similar sounds to twink. So just a play on used to be a twink.
I just came back to this, the linked site is a conservative think tank/ advocacy group.
So I looked into this source and its references. I will simply point out the group itself is a conservative think tank and most of the sources are the same.
You might be thinking of de-clawing, which is a surgical procedure where the whole first joint is removed. Just trimming might hurt an outdoor cats ability to hunt, but they probably shouldn’t be outside anyway.
I’m generally opposed to strict verification. To me the only thing that could justify it is a repeatable study that shows causation between something that the verification would restrict and a negative (not moral panic negative) outcome. Whenever its brought up the “think of the children” comments come out and I am skeptical. It often sounds like video games cause violence excuses. I wanted to know if there was actual justification because to me it seems like they are usually pushed by either religious groups or some group that wants to hoover up data. I have yet to see something beyond moral panic justifying the push.
No, I’m looking for studies either way. Several have been linked here and I’ve glanced at them and plan on reading them a bit more in depth when I get some time.
A lot of what you said is what I have seen when I looked into this before, and part of why I asked the question.
Yes like that. I’ll have to dive into the sources presented.
But your Efficacy, risks and invasiveness, are predicated on the need. If there is no need, the secondary discussion becomes redundant.
And I’m not saying there isn’t a need, but I would like evidence to support the need.
Thanks for the link, I’ll peruse and see what I see.
The question is what is the evidence based justification for the strict verification that is being pushed. The efficacy and implementation is a different question entirely.
More of the first one you mentioned. I tried once, and I had little luck. I found one that had what I thought was poor methodology. I didn’t keep a link.
Fire is fast, and I think you usually die of smoke inhalation first Freezing to death outside of being in water would be slow.