Tech lover, nazi hater.
This is state law in California. Enforcement differs in each area. I don’t believe Oakland checks.
SOURCES (complete list)
Traditional News Sites
These are all SJ Mercury News but some feature different stories.
Local TV News
Independent News Sites
Misc. Sites
Technical stuff:
I usually bang the edge of the lid with some blunt flatware. Dull side of a butter knife is my preferred flatware.
Helped my manager open something a few weeks ago by using some random piece of office equipment. She was very happy to pickled jalapenos as a side.
My last two TVs were dumb ones.
It is getting harder find dumb TVs because the smart stuff included with most TVs subsidizes keeping the initial price low. Manufactures are betting millions of dollars purchasers will sign up for the monthly apps.
I have a filing cabinet with one drawer for hanging folders. Everything gets sorted and put in there. When a folder gets too fluffy I will pull it out and shred old stuff.
I could probably get rid of a lot but this method does come in handy occasionally. Most recently were my 2023 taxes which I filed in July (I had an extension). I yanked the 2023 file and immediately had 90% of my donations and medical expenses.
I do similar. Cross the name out with a Sharpie and write “MOVED”.
After owning the place for two years now I just throw it out.
I drove through there two days ago hoping to catch a peak of the tires but just missed them.
Those are very nice numbers.
It’s all about the area under the curve and you have definitely increased that area throughout the RPM range.
Those are great numbers. What vehicle?
I can’t read any more comments. It is too dusty in here.
I hope this is OK here.
Agree. Grew up and live in the states but read international news, tech stories, science news, etc.
It is just easier for me to remember a little of the metric than stopping to do a conversion each time.
Are you saying JD Vance keeps Kanye’s song “Gay Fish” on constant rotation?
I would gladly give my used denim to a non-profit that does this. Currently have a pair of jeans that are end-of-life for me and I don’t sew.
I’m more familiar with ECU tuning of Hondas back in the 90s but I know it is still going on.
I had my B5 Turbo Passat chipped with no other changes. I noticed the difference during a full throttle run as the left and right front tires took turns losing grip.
Pretty sure the easy diesel remaps are over in the US but, as usual, if know someone they can set up.
The most obvious ECU tuning currently is people adding Snap. Crackle, and Pop to their cars as the engine RPMs drop.
What are you on about? Early schooling is a good thing for most children.
I’m tall enough to open the door so we both pee outside.
Can we all give a huge shout out to Always Sunny in Philadelphia for being great and being the one inspiration for so many memes?
Today is my day off. It is noon and I’m at number 2.
Black cats are the last ones to be adopted from shelters. If you want a cat, check out the black ones at your local shelter.