Bibi has gone in and out of power as leader of a major coalition. Putin has been a dictator since I was in middle school.
Not really equivalent beasts.
Bibi has gone in and out of power as leader of a major coalition. Putin has been a dictator since I was in middle school.
Not really equivalent beasts.
Hamas is doing more damage to Israel than has been done in generations, just of a diplomatic sort.
People believe that?
They only bring those policies out when they’re not in power
If your support is never on the table, your support doesn’t matter.
I actually consider pirating movies I have the rights to stream just to cut down on advertisements.
But instead, what about a truck with truck bed?
So your saying Sanders has an anti-government ideology? To say another way, Sanders want to maximize the amount of dismissed problems in the government?
No. What about what I said makes you think that? Sander’s intent is pro-government and pro-grovernment control of healthcare along with a wide range of other economic and social industries. Just because the effect of his actions makes us less likely to want government control of healthcare doesn’t mean that was the intent of his action.
I haven’t heard or seen anything from Bernie that indicates he is authoritarian.
Except for the one time that he was given power over a system and expressed authoritarian tendencies?
Slight tangent. But I’ve recently been pulling old home videos off of MiniDV tapes. And I’ve found that the ffmpeg dv1 decoder can correct several tape issues when re-encoding from dv1
to essentially any modern codec. So I’ve got like 3GB video files that look incredibly poor, but then I re-encode them into h264 files that look better than the original. It’s baffling how well that works.
The problem is that the quality on Mac has been degrading so It might just be time to consider a switch. Honestly, for that type of user, I recommend Chromebooks.
Huh I didn’t know about that. Maybe Walz is a better pick then.
Truthfully, the utilitarian nature of the dish.
I think this was a poor pick. Penn’s governor was a good candidate, but also didn’t have the George Flyod riots in his political past. You’re already seeing Republicans key in on that.
Sorry for the delay been a crazy week.
I agree that Sanders is a democratic socialist. I am confused as to why you brought this incident up then. I thought you were trying to prove that Sanders was an authoritarian, but it seems like we both agree that this was a mistake he made and not some outcome that he wanted to happen or that was aligned with his ideology.
Emphasis added by me. I’m saying that to a Centrist (and honestly to myself too). Sander’s actions to dismiss problems in a desired government program is aligned with his ideology. And a viewing of the record of Socialism and Socialist thought has seen that same patter arise over and over again.
It’s not clear to me that Socialism explicitly calls for that, maybe I have missed that. But Bernie is a Democratic Socialist. I understand this to mean that democracy would be used to create the laws, not an authoritarian.
Some OG Source but the context here is, after Das Kapital. The Socialist ideology takes off. Movements in Marx’s lifetime to “vote in” Socialism arose, in this instance in Germany. Marx criticizes this attempt instead of advocating for revolution and dictatorial control exercised by a smaller group of Socialist leaders eg. the “Dictatorship of the Proletariat” (wikipedia summary that’s easier reading).
Capitalism is a system that’s designed to orchestrate the economy of a state. It offers some suggestions for the content of its society and the organization of its government but it is largely agnostic. And has been successfully used alongside Dictatorships, Republics, and Monarchs alike. Socialism dictates not just the economy of a state, but the makeup and mores of its society along with the organization of its Government. There are many modern Socialists who are led to believe that Socialism is compatible with a modern, Western society and Republic; but it pretty explicitly rejects it. Bernie, I believe, is one of those people. But when given power he exercised that power in the same fashion that non-Democratic Socialists of the past have done. That should be concerning to all people, including Centrists.
Oh yes, the Bible says Big Dicks are the Best!
Unfortunately true too often.
If fighting socialists disqualifies you as a socialist, then there would be no socialists.
That might be a little bit too much"on the nose". But maybe the slaughtering of a live animal as a sacrifice would be more fun.
Literally convenience. Before ads it was just easier to stream the shows.