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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 28th, 2023

  • As someone else pointed out, the article takes into account the unofficial or free market exchange rate.

    In Argentina we got an official rate established by the government (the one your screenshot shows) where the amount you can exchange is limited.

    And then we got the unofficial “blue” rate, which price is determined by the market and the one the article talks about.

    When Milei assumes on Dec 10, he devaluates the official rate from around 360 USD/ARS to 820 USD/ARS, to get the official rate closer to the market rate.

    From then the government continues to gradually devaluate the official rate to converge with the market one (that’s the slope you see).

    Before Milei assumed the market rate was 950. The market rate peaked at around 1100 on December, then decreased to around 1000 in the end of January and it’s been relatively stable since.

  • Sounds easy.

    To make local backups I have to do them on schedule, transfer all photos (or rsync them) from all devices to backup media. To have some redundancy I have to make a copy (unless you got a RAID NAS at home that is). In this situation you’ll have a backup as recent as your sync frequency. To access the backups you have to browse the files on the drive, if it’s a NAS, it can be quite convenient, but not if it’s any other kind of storage.

    Compare this to for example Google Photos backup. You take a photo, you have Internet connection, it’s synchronized. You don’t worry about redundancy, and can access the photo wherever you are with a very nice app.

  • La autonomía de las empresas estatales no puede existir, porque recibe el dinero del Estado. Si una empresa del Estado no hace lo que el Estado quiere, el Estado le deja de pagar y se funde. Es como decir que una empresa privada pueda tener autonomía de sus propios dueños.

    Esto es especialmente peligroso con los medios porque puede servir como mecanismo de propaganda al gobierno de turno.

    Respecto al rol del Estado. Yo pienso que el mundo ideal es un socialismo sin Estado, en el que todos tienen acceso a todo y trabajan para mejorar todos juntos felices y contentos. Pero esto no es posible, por la naturaleza humana (recomiendo leer “Rebelión en la granja”), no se puede confiar en el otro. Esto deviene rápidamente en autoritarismo.

    Entonces hay que buscar una forma de evitar confiar. La respuesta es moneda, precios, mercado: capitalismo. El problema es que esto también puede devenir en una concentración de poder. Ahí aparece el Estado, como regulador para evitar monopolios y evitar los problemas del mercado y dar equidad (o la palabra que sea) proveyendo salud, educación, seguridad y justicia.

    Además el Estado provee ciertos servicios básicos que por cuestiones prácticas es mas fácil centralizar (calles por ejemplo). Aunque no descarto que puedan ser cubiertos por el sector privado.

    Desde ya estas son mis opiniones, que siempre intento justificar lógicamente lo mejor posible. Perdón si se hizo largo.

  • Managing digital photos is quite hard to do reliably.

    Where do you store them? Optical disc, it might get mushrooms; HDD, mechanism might fail; SSD or flash, this one’s better but it might get corrupted, and so on.

    Cloud services provide a convenient solution to all this, than apart from the service going down (which is less likely) have no other issues. You can also access them wherever you are.

    Privacy is an important concern. It would be nice to have them encrypted on cloud. Encrypted from a local and trusted (open source) client, that is also convenient. If each time I want to show a photo to my granny I have to download and gpg a file manually, I pass.

    But most people don’t care about their privacy at all anyways, so why bother.