lol – yep its scary true
lol – yep its scary true
you mean the IBM light chips and bus ?
This is a great article , and actually rather use swap than no swap. My systems run so much better with swap.
Umm the article came out in 2016 , the article is about a 1100 year old printed text on a scroll 868 a.d
100% take these morons down
LOL , start weaving little dolls too
I would be for that fork. I used Guix a long time ago and got really frustrated with non-free and binaries. Guix is really nice to use though and it’s fast.
Wow that’s impressive , I love using hyprland on Garuda, ow it’s even easier. Very cool.
I built it on Linux , Arch … takes forever because of rust and the 1000’s of depends. Works though.
Honestly , why do you want to code? Simple question not offensive or sarcastic. I code because I’m in the security industry and a big geek. You are never to old to code , if you have the discipline to sit down and read and then practice over and over again then you will be fine to learn. its fun to code and learn new things. It also keeps your brain in better shape. I can help you find resources to get you started if you want. Everyone and I mean everyone starts in the beginning.
It’s a short