nepotism is how everyone gets it done. the image of some self made man is utter bullshit. it’s popular because it makes someone feel like their better than you. don’t feel self concious about how you got that for a second. though i’ll aknowledge the bottom of a depression cycle is a shitty place to stop believeing in bad luck, or that a that a lot of sucessful looking people are all show. sounds like you’re in the pick a reason to get out of bed and shower, then force yourself to do it stage? i hate that stage, it’s exhausting.
i’m asking OP not to feel self deprecating about having taken that specific help. replying to this specific comment. Where* I understood it as them feeling undeserving of something that is extremely common but presented as unusual. which could close them off to seeking or accepting similar help in the future. if it came off as dissmisive of their post and experiance, that was not the intent. and i apologize to OP if they feel i was missing their perspective here.