Which recliner did you go with? I’ve been shopping for one for a while and haven’t had any luck finding one I like…
Which recliner did you go with? I’ve been shopping for one for a while and haven’t had any luck finding one I like…
What’s the issue with Nord? A buddy just recommended it to me, but I rarely see it mentioned, so I’ve had a hard time understanding why not to use it.
I actually teach my students about this strategy that the WHO employee in Micronesia in my sport nutrition class. It’s less about the iron fish, and more about that dietary iron can come from cast iron cooking sources instead of supplementation (as the latter often causes digestive distress).
Sorry, perhaps this is a disciplinary difference. In engineering, physics, and biomechanics (my doctoral specialization), and from a unit standard perspective, the pound representing both mass and weight is a false equivalency born out of convenience. This is why the Imperial standard for mass is the slug, allowing for gravitational acceleration of a mass to equate to a force.
Kilograms are mass, but pounds are weight. Therefore 0 kg = 0 slug, or 0 N = 0 lbs
Take a look at Molly for your tablet!
Man, I haven’t thought about Black and White in a long time. I wonder if I still have the disc floating around somewhere…