So for you being a “refugee in their own home” makes it ok to deliberately murder civiluans, women and children, rape and abduct?
So for you being a “refugee in their own home” makes it ok to deliberately murder civiluans, women and children, rape and abduct?
Meine Wahrnehmung der deutschen Medien ist eine andere als Deine und ich denke das es viele Wege gibt, Israels jetziges Vorgehen uu kritisieren ohne den Vorwurf des Antisemitismus zu erhalten und dass das auch gerade in den Medien passiert.
Eine wichtige Frage, die sich zu wenige Kritiker Israels stellen wollen ist, was hätte Israel, ab dem 07.10. anders machen sollen? Ich rede nicht von vor dem 07.10., da hätte Israel sehr vieles anders machen sollen und können, sonder von danach. Was hättest Du getan? Was hätte irgend ein anderes Land der Welt in einer vergleichbaren Situation getan?
There is a difference between a military bombardement, where civilians were warned to leave the area beforehand and a suprise raid in which civilians and children were the only targets and people were raped abducted and tortured.
Never said that nor implied it.
Lets be clear on one thing, both sides were killibg people long before this. No side in this conflict is innocent, no side is fighting purely for freedom, no side is right.
Still, I see a difference in a military bombardement, where civilians were warned to leave the area beforehand and a suprise raid in which civilians and children were the only targets and people were raped abducted and tortured.
If you do not see that difference (without condoning either), it is you who is blind.
I still think that there is a difference in intent between killing children in a bombing campaign and directly and individually targeting them in an armed raid.
Of course it is a shitty picture. You ask leave to where? Right question, I don’t have an easy answer, as Egypt obviously won’t allow them in.
Let me post a different question: What should Israel have done after the 7th? What would any other country in the world have done differently?