<Sips licence like a fine wine served at a dinner party.> Ah, yes, GPLv3, exquisite choice.
<Sips licence like a fine wine served at a dinner party.> Ah, yes, GPLv3, exquisite choice.
I don’t know why but I thought they were some special inaccessible computers.
It’s their marketing. Marketing, marketing, bullshit and marketing. Macs get viruses, Macs have vulnerabilities, Macs crash. Doesn’t matter how much their indoctrinated fans might claim otherwise, Macs are just weird PCs. In that context, their refusal to allow their owners to control them is all the more jarring and makes owning the older models like you mentioned all the more sensible.
Refresh abdomen
This interview may be tainted.
In case anyone is wondering: it’s an ice ray and one of the thousands required to freeze the sun in the first part of the fantastic mission set out for us by out glorious leader, life-giver of the universe, Arpoovian Shepper-Shenty.
More info: https://youtu.be/5rO-I7butL4
Unfortunately, there’s no friction-free way to migrate. On Mastodon, for example, you can migrate between instances by exchanging codes between your old and new accounts and, in time, your posts, comments, memberships, followers, etc will move across automatically. On Lemmy, however, that’s not an option and you start from fresh with on the new instance.
You should have put that in bold.
Ah, a fellow German speaker, I see.
Ah’m nut yuh bruf, meeit.
This can’t brie. You gouda be kidding me. I can’t deal with cheese puns on my provolone.
IIRC that rule applies to debit cards only, which most businesses pay a flat monthly fee to handle, as opposed to credit cards which charge a percentage. Also, fuck AMEX.
A lot of the convenience of the modern UK high street baking sector is because of Girobank, the 1960s Government’s successful attempt to force modernisation on the banking industry. When I hear about the ass-backwardsness of other country’s banking arrangements (especially the US) I give a little thankyou to Girobank.
Edit: Also, yes, tourist ATMs are predatory bullshit.
Demand GDPR. No ifs, no buts. Its even written in several languages.
I came here to say this. If anyone’s interested, here’s unedited footage of a bear.
Nothing more dangerous than a female haggis guarding her neeps.
I mean, joking aside, isn’t that how parity calculations used to work? “Got more uppy bits than downy bits - that’s a paddlin’” or something.
I maintain that it’s cheaper to buy better and keep longer, but, yeah, Vimes’ Boots strike again.
I’ve been thinking of getting a tattoo of Mr. Blobby
WFM. Looks like you’re using Let’s Encrypt, which is fine, and everything seems to be consistent. I think you’re good.