How about some software for server management and app hosting like ? It is a complete and easy solution to host your own (docker based) apps or you can just install free apps from the build in app store. You can use Cloudrons base image to make use of addons (services) that are already build into Cloudron like: graphite, mailserver, mongodb, mysql, nginx, postgresql, sftp, turn, redis, ldap, oidc, recvmail, scheduler (cron), sendmail and tls or build an app on top of the LAMP app.
Everything is automated from OS updates, plattform + app based backups (with persistence if needed) to proxy setup and certificates. Besides the webUI, Cloudron also provides a RESTful API to manage apps, users, groups, domains and other resources. It also has its own Build Service and Image Registry or you could host your own Gitlab/Gitea with just one click.
Instead of real orchestration you maybe could use automation tools like n8n or Ctfreak to archive what you need.
Cloudron is free for up to 2 apps so keep that in mind but it runs well on a VPS with as low as 2GB RAM and 25GB of disk space.
I run 3 Cloudron servers for many years and administer another 4 with some just beeing used inside a LAN.
Most users will just pick apps from the store but others like myself use Cloudron to host their own services and custom app packages. It is actually pretty easy and there is a lot of help and templates at the Cloudron app packaging forum if you just start.
Cloudron uses neither Ansible nor Terraform and relies on scripts and crons. It uses automatic Ubuntu security updates, firewall and a bit of OS hardening to secure the plattform. You can take a look at the sources if you are curious.