Neither have mine. Sometimes I have a bit of a raw spot, but that’s because they think it’s VERY IMPORTANT to groom my arms, lol. I must be stinky.
Here we had Big Shiny Tunes
#2 being the best of the bunch, imho. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ns0UidyZH2k
Let’s all not become America.
What about climates that are freezing cold or hot and humid asf like, most of the year (almost always damp), and also 2 weeks each of spring and fall (should be pleasant but actually just extra windy, wet, and miserable)? What word would you use for this special awfulness? (I hate all the seasons; would love to live somewhere milder; might move to the Yukon for more humane summers but I hear the mosquitos are savage and I’m afraid of bears).
Why should he be too old to be on a show like this? Video games are for everyone :)
Yes, a nightmare I had as a child, many years ago (around 30ish). I was in a desert/beach…the air was dusty and orange-tinted. There was a gazebo made of wood, almost rotting or rotten, and a giant golem who trapped me in a wooden box. The whole thing was terrifying, and dry and hot.
I’m an LGBTQ Canadian and I’ll never step foot in the States.