Who writes mangoes instead of simply mangos?
I never knew some people write it differently
Why condolences?
I don’t feel like I’m addicted to it I just play Aram a few times a week - and I have a plentiful life outside of LoL
Wait, that means that programmers are NOT single? 😂
I think something is missing there
Yo, how did you get your computer to time travel? 🥸
This is some high quality stuff here - being able to recognise many of them
… Wie kommt man überhaupt auf sowas? 😂
Die machen genau das was einige Geld geber im Hintergrund wollen.
Be a fossile fuel company and lobby the government: Police protects you despite all the climate genocide.
Be a citizen paying taxes and protesting harmlessly to bring the government to action: “OMG U r dangerous! We need to protect the companies your fellow citizens from you!!11”
And before someone says, that the protests are ineffective Check this out.
Further, it is the use of radical tactics, such as property destruction or violence, rather than a radical agenda, that drives this effect. Results indicate the effect owes to a contrast effect: Use of radical tactics by one flank led the more moderate faction to appear less radical, even though all characteristics of the moderate faction were held constant
Genug Internet für Heute
Das ist ein riesen Problem und unschön, dass das mir der größten Demokratie der Welt passiert.
Ah, cool. Thanks!
But how would that solve the “works only on chrome” issue? It’s certainly very bad website design to make the website only work with chrome and not other Browsers. And neither Firefox nor Vivaldi are blink engine based (which is what chromium, edge, safari etc. use). I’d have the same problem with Vivaldi as with Firefox. When this problem isn’t there, I prefer to stick with firefox.
Yeah. After years I had to make an urgent booking via chrome browser in an airport on my mobile. The website didn’t work with firefox. when using chrome, I always add unlock origin and similar add blockers before I actually browse - and I was surprised, that Google Chrome on android doesn’t even allow any extensions at all!
Exactly. Those who create and profit from a product are most interested in making money off it and will avoid regulations and restrictions as much as possible. Commercial airlines aren’t safe because the companies wanted to keep their customers safe, but rather because the regulations were put in place after all kinds of accidents.
Can you elaborate on solution C please and explain it in a bit of detail?
I don’t understand. Are dolphins campaigning for land rights or something?
This made me laugh harder than I’m willing to admit
Noise-Cancelling In-ear Kopfhörer. Als jemand mit etwas Hochsensibilität (bin leicht zu überstimulieren via Sound uns Licht etc.) merkte ich erst mich solchen Kopfhörern, wie laut es echt in Städten ist und wie beruhigter ich nun endlich gehen kann. Ziemlich schade und nervig, dass Laute Autos so normalisiert und “unvermeidbar” sind.
Dazu noch: Persönliches Wissensmanagement mit Obsidian.md (https://obsidian.md). Seitdem ich das habe, habe ich nicht mehr das Gefühl Information zu verlieren (die ich längerfristig brauche) und habe auch keine Angst, dass irgendeinw Firma einen Lock in macht (Evernote, Reddit etc…)
Überprüft den OP Username.
willst du uns nicht auch etwas sagen? 😄
Well, that’s an unexpected but correct answer
Energie: “Freie Energie”
wtf xD