Sorry, only spyware laden with ads is available currently at that price.
Sorry, only spyware laden with ads is available currently at that price.
Je trouve le point sur kagi pas incroyable. Yandex est aussi utilisé dans d’autres (notamment DDG), je pense parce que leurs services d’indexage sont peu chers. Je trouve que le point de contention majeur de kagi c’est surtout que ça coûte 100 balles par an.
I mean, not necessarily your fault but at least you know someone could care to fix it, and you didn’t spend $100 for the privilege.
I don’t think they ever believed it was a big thing, they just had military contracts to fulfill and tried Hocking the tech to consumers as a stopgap
https://youtu.be/Erp8IAUouus explains it pretty well
Yep. Servers save federation keys per domain name. Not that they were really federated with most big instances anymore anyway.
Not that bad tbh I believed it for a sec
I agree with the overall sentiment, however:
Lootboxes are at least a conscious action you must take. They definitely have the same problems as gambling (because that’s what they are), but you can also choose not to engage with them. Ads however, are forced upon you, and do things that you cannot see (track you) and cannot turn off.
I mean fair enough but in the context of indies trying to “hack the algorithm”, you’re probably not even a target because you don’t even look at the Steam store.
Je pense que 10 caissier•es ça fait peut être beaucoup en réalité, mais par contre c’est pas parce que y’a des gens aux caisses que la fraude disparait.
Y’a a peu près un an, y’avait la même réflexion en Australie, avec des supermarchés qui essayaient d’avoir une aide de l’état pour reembaucher alors que les stats montraient que les coûts associés a la fraude n’étaient pas tant connectes aux caisses auto.
Realistiquement 2% du chiffre d’affaire ça peut pas être bien plus que de payer des caissier•es
Thankfully you posted it online for everyone to see!
Please don’t platform hateful imagery for internet points.
C’est pas censé être aussi facile de refuser que d’accepter? Je vois pas de bouton “non”
Yet another very common db0 W
Yet another very common transphobia L
When I was 11, an entire class of students and the biology professor were adamant that snakes do not have skeletons. I knew for a fact this was false because I had seen one at the museum.
Not on Google. They work on kagi and I assume they do on DDG/searx etc
It’s not that amazing. To be a registrar, you have to pay $10k for the privilege, then pay for multiple audits that you must pass (if you fail them you do not get reimbursed), and then you get to profit like $2 per domain per year, and you have to maintain high availability server farms, pay for the electricity, pay for the sysadmins, pay for the audits every year etc
There’s a reason Google stopped doing it after they got their .google tld
My current daily driver is a 13€ blue switches thing for AliExpress with 20€ DSA keycaps also from AliExpress. Both are fine.
Doctorow has never been a practical thinker. That’s just not what he does.
On dirait que c’est juste pas pour toi, mais il se trouve qu’il y a une parade a ce problème en particulier!
Dans les paramètres, tu peux copier une url qui contient un token de connexion, et donc l’utiliser dans les paramètres de recherche de ton navigateur. Comme ça, même si tu n’as plus de cookies la recherche fonctionne (oui, fondamentalement on vient de réinventer les cookies…).