If you want fan translated chapters - Mangadex
for official translations - Mangasee
for both - Comick
if you want to download them you can either use tools like tachiyomi, hakuneko or fdm2 that allows you to ddl from most major sites or use nyaa if you are comfortable with torrenting.
It’s an interesting thing to ponder and my opinion is that like many other things in life something being ‘OC’ is a spectrum rather than a binary thing.
If I apply a B&W filter on an image is that OC? Obviously not
But what if I make an artwork that’s formed by hundreds of smaller artworks, like this example? This definitely deserves the OC tag
AI art is also somewhere in that spectrum and even then it changes depending on how AI was used to make the art. Each person has a different line on the spectrum where things transition from non OC to OC, so the answer to this would be different for everyone.
All I want is that top comments under posts are something insightful and related to the post, and not just the same one liner boring jokes that keep getting upvoted for some reason.
lol martineski seems to be becoming a local celebrity
That’s true, duplicate copies of the same book is perhaps the main pain on bookwyrm right now. On the other hand it also feels like a problem that devs must be aware of and are actively trying to figure out a solution for.