I’m so efficient I liked this post and moved on. Came back to brag about it, though. ;)
The Venn-diagram of lazy people and efficient people is not a circle, my friend. There is some overlap, but not entirely overlapping.
Lazy people who automate their own tasks so they do less work - efficient.
Lazy people who pass off work to other people, causing them to get snowed under no matter how efficient they are - garbage shitsacks.
You’ve described my entire IT career.
If I got things done, maybe. When I have to pay fees because I was too lazy to pay a bill in time, I don’t see how that’s efficient.
Nobody’s lazy, we’re just reserving the best part of our time for ourselves.
According to studies, the human brain is hardwired to be lazy.
I used to put far more effort into reasons for not doing work than the work itself would have taken.
Phenomenal, really .