It’d be lovely if you could just see the hexbear powerusers somewhere convenient and mass block. I went through a couple subreddits of theirs, found the top posts, blocked everyone with more than 50 upvotes. Real pain in the ass, but I suddenly have far fewer teenagers who peaked in middle school debate club to deal with.
I don’t mind the general hexbear ideology in itself. Sure. You do you.
But, damn, I see more than a few of its members just being obnoxious.
I won’t call debunking imperialist propaganda from the west, and dunking on racist and ableist users, “obnoxious”.
Mate. That’s not the obnoxious part. Posts like this are the obnoxious part.
It’d be lovely if you could just see the hexbear powerusers somewhere convenient and mass block. I went through a couple subreddits of theirs, found the top posts, blocked everyone with more than 50 upvotes. Real pain in the ass, but I suddenly have far fewer teenagers who peaked in middle school debate club to deal with.
You call us toxic and then still call things “subreddits.”
What a factual yet utterly meaningless statement.
This statement isn’t even internally consistent, are we teenagers or did we peak in middle school?
You peaked in middle school, you’re now a depressed teenager in high school or therabouts.
Try a little harder when trying to pose as a well intentioned and reasonable human.
“hexbear is toxic”
Do some self-reflection