Would this also be called “Reply guys”? Very rude, worst part, i already know reporting & blocking does nothing as another one can and will eventually pop up.
Anyoneone else feel frusterated with not being able to vent without rude people posting?
Another thing i noticed, alot of rude people come from lemmy dot world.
This is tangential but is program code easier to understand than cool math symbols?
If you are asking for myself, yes, programming code is easier to understand, since i have experience with it.
out of curiousity, what programming languages did you had experience with?
Some java, some php, some javacript, very tiny bits of python, c and c++ hbu?
i’ve mostly been dabbling with c++, c#, java and python; though i’m also learning html, css and js because i also want to make webpages/websites as a hobby. ^^;
Oh sweet. Web development was fun for me. I hope you enjoy web dev.
Thank you for your warm wishes. ^^
It is if you’re a programmer.