“Porn collection” and other expressions without God.
What’s the point in have it? Streaming pornography is extremely easy, and you can even watch paid content for free without difficult. To have tons of gigas of porn is just gross and unecessary. And hide it from who? You’re a toddler or something? It’s your computer, what isn’t allowing you to create a directory in desktop called “xxx Porn Collection xxx”?
Where do I hide the porn under Linux? Might migrate to Linux, and I want to keep my porn collection.
I know this is a joke but here comes my two cents:
Just rename it to homework, like a civilized person.
“Porn collection” and other expressions without God.
What’s the point in have it? Streaming pornography is extremely easy, and you can even watch paid content for free without difficult. To have tons of gigas of porn is just gross and unecessary. And hide it from who? You’re a toddler or something? It’s your computer, what isn’t allowing you to create a directory in desktop called “xxx Porn Collection xxx”?
Potential government overreach over porn.