That is far too democratic to ever be a thing in your country. The political system is financed and thus owned by the capital, so they will never permit a not capitalist to have any political success. Bernie, a by all objective measures very moderate leftist, is the furthest the spectrum goes, and he is more tolerated as a sort of token minority than realistically able to affect any real change.
If people were able to select and push their own candidates the whole big money oligarchy collapses.
I saw a Michael Moore documentary that claims Bernie actually had the votes for the nomination and the DNC lied and said he lost in a state where he actually won.
whether it’s true or not, DNC’s reputation makes it so believably probable – we got to watch as they backstabbed anyone slightly progressive, watched as they primaried anyone they couldn’t openly sabotage, and now they’re holding this year’s primary in Chicago claiming it won’t be a repeat of 1968 as they massively increase police presence …
That is far too democratic to ever be a thing in your country. The political system is financed and thus owned by the capital, so they will never permit a not capitalist to have any political success. Bernie, a by all objective measures very moderate leftist, is the furthest the spectrum goes, and he is more tolerated as a sort of token minority than realistically able to affect any real change.
If people were able to select and push their own candidates the whole big money oligarchy collapses.
I saw a Michael Moore documentary that claims Bernie actually had the votes for the nomination and the DNC lied and said he lost in a state where he actually won.
Not sure if that’s true 100%
whether it’s true or not, DNC’s reputation makes it so believably probable – we got to watch as they backstabbed anyone slightly progressive, watched as they primaried anyone they couldn’t openly sabotage, and now they’re holding this year’s primary in Chicago claiming it won’t be a repeat of 1968 as they massively increase police presence …