If you have epilepsy or Parkinson’s or MS, you’re just going to likely get worse forever.
I deleted that dumpster fire the minute old Space Karen bought it. I wasn’t tweeting but I used it to read some people. But I’m ok to give that up to never ever support what fuckface does.
I have absolutely no problem with public breastfeeding, let me say first, but I’m never not automatically surprised when I see someone with full boob out feeding baby. Like it just always surprises me every time. It’s just so random somehow.
For some reason I got back into Die Antwoord. I know they are Wildly Problematic to say the least but for some reason I cannot resist them. There’s something about the shocking trashiness and the Afrikaans that just does it for me and those videos are absolutely genius. It’s also really hard to tell with them what’s part of their act or not.
I don’t know what to do when I like someone’s work who is attached to a scandal. I also adore Shangela, for example. What do you all do?
Adore purple! I love this idea!
We are friends then. Big hug to you.
Thank you so much. Losing an Internet friend is such a weird grief isn’t it?
Especially when there are shitheads like Republicans and pedophiles and Nazis who don’t deserve years like that.
Some people think it gives them natural immunity. But natural immunity against COVID isn’t enough and it fades.
Landlords just want a lanyard and a pizza party at the end of the day.
Ahahahahahaha. It’s his emotional paycheck.
I have all that in my job, but they still give me a birthday cake which is nice.
Imma pay you in pussy.
I think my friend I always talk to on Lemmy has passed away, he had cancer and was on a palliative ward when we last talked due to fungal infection, and was awaiting debulking surgery for the tumour. I’ll miss you friend. Your messages made me feel happy.
I was reading legal cases of divorced parents, one who wants to vaccinate their children and the other who doesn’t, this weekend. The judge always sides with the parent who wants to vaccinate.
Sovcits exist in 26 countries actually, and yes we do have them here!
Aside from debating oats, peasants had more time off than we did.
That’s SO weird.
A lot of the kids in my neighborhood are Muslim and it seems the girls aren’t allowed to wear costumes if they are hijabis. I’m not excluding them because of a stupid religious thing.