Aside from debating oats, peasants had more time off than we did.
What’s wrong with overnight oats? I really like them.
I read it as cutting through the spin. We use contemporary words like overnight oats, instead of words like gruel that have strong connotations of poverty, for essentially the same food, to obscure the fact that we are the same working class as medieval peasants were. There’s nothing wrong with gruel; and we’re just not as far removed from peasantry as we’ve been led to believe.
I would love a tiny home.
But fuck the gig economy and contract only employment.
My favourite part of Tiny Homes is how they came into vogue and were subsequently priced out of reach of poor people.
There’s a company just made a cool modular house for 10k but we’re not allowed to like it because Elon lives in one
Some people get a kick out of making you feel bad about anything and everything you enjoy by reframing it in the worst possible light.
Oh, you bicycle to work? Enjoy breathing in all that carbon monoxide from the cars passing you and a greatly increased risk of dying due to a driver not thinking that you’re a human being. Hope you don’t cross a street and inconvenience a driver you selfish prick!
Oh, you eat primarily vegetarian with only a little bit of meat? One, meat is still murder, you’re a prick. Two, of course you would mention it. Three, fuck you and your entire family and your entire gene pool you piece of shit.
I could probably keep going but you get it right? Don’t let the things that you enjoy be taken away from you by people who are chasing clout and will say anything that they possibly can in order to get it.
Way to miss the point. It’s about some people acting like these are choices rather than “this is the best I can do”. Would you really prefer the inconsistency of the gig economy if well paying consistent jobs were available? Would you eat rice and beans for every meal if you actually had the choice? Wouldn’t you prefer just a few more square feet in your tiny home(maybe in the kitchen or bathroom)?
Acting like people are making all of these choices out of genuine desire and not a good helping of “this is what I have to do to survive” is what the meme is criticizing and what you on your high horse up there failed to see.
I get where you’re coming from but in my ideal world we would all work gig jobs and they would provide us enough money to live at the very least at our current lifestyle.
The 40-hour work week is a lie. It’s not needed anymore, and anyone who sits down for 4 hours and analyzes our current economic system would probably agree with me.
You have gotten up onto a high horse about how I am flawed and wrong before checking whether I was on your side.
Besides, the point you are making, while it has its merits, only touches on my point. My point is enjoy what you like. If you like overnight oats just go ahead and eat them.
It doesn’t mean you’re a “peasant eating gruel”. It’s okay to like what you like.
Good luck running your ideal society on all gig jobs. I predict total collapse of infrastructure within the first six months.
My point is proved.
Like I said, some people love nothing more than to reframe whatever you are saying or whatever you are doing in the worst possible light for no reason other than to make you feel bad.
I’m not trying to huwt yur feewsies, I’m saying you can’t run an advanced society on gig work. I’m sorry reality is a thing.
You seem to think I have some sort of emotional investment in this and I can assure you that I do not. I’m saying that today’s reality is not tomorrow’s reality and that things can get better, which is a fact and not really up for debate.
As to whether or not they will get better that very much is up to debate, but if you think that being condescending is proving your point then maybe you should take some time and think a little longer.
i wish i was a peasant
peasants had the church that would feast them like 100 times a year for saint days and shite liketh that
i are a serf
I mean, if you tithed, so they were feeding you with your own food. Also not a real feast most of the time.
And while the church wanted a tithe, the manor lord required you to work one or more days per week on his field, using your own tools. This was rent. There might’ve also been monetary rent in addition to work rent. And in addition to the church tithe, the manor lord wanted a tithe too. You couldn’t choose to rent somewhere else, either - while the manor lord didn’t own you, he owned the piece of land you lived on, could dictate your terms, and you’d have to pay a fine for moving away to another manor lord’s service. If he sold the parcel of land, you’d have to do all the same to the new landlord. If you could manage to hide in a city for a year + one day, you’d be free. But if you got caught, you’d be imprisoned until your lord came and picked you up.
These were the general rules in my area, others would differ. Obviously they changed over time and so on. And much of this is from the chronicles and those were written by the Order, so the real situation might’ve been worse even.
There’s plenty wrong with our current situation and we seem to be sliding back towards serfdom, but serfdom is definitely worse than what we have now and we can NOT afford to go back.
I make overnight oats nearly every night.
I use steel cut oats in the slow cooker over night, add dates, apple, cinnamon and chia seeds.
It is ready for me before I leave for work at ~6:10, and ready for the rest of the family when they have breakfast at 7:30.
What is not to like.
What is not to like.
Being awake at that hour.
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I (begrudgingly) wake at 4:15am and yes, god has forsaken this time of day.
you can criticise the world without resorting to past = bad which often hides things we have lost.
Also oats are nutritious, delicious, and efficient.
How about pointing out how hard you work to afford food that is often thrown out lest it undermine keeping you slaved to “the economy” etc.
No actually I’m not done. Wanting fewer material things is good actually. Opulence need not manifest in terms of the aquisition of territory and things. What if you have a tiny home and breakfast gruel but you get idle time, community, gorgeous views, freedom etc.
the problems with society aren’t that you can’t eat figs every meal and stroll around your estate, it’s that mere subsitence demands your soul.
Overnight oats are really good for my digestion and diet. What, you want me eating steak and eggs?
If you eat overnight oats for your tummy troubles the post clearly isn’t for you. If you eat it because you can’t afford other meals it is.
Not surprising, our gut flora love the stuff. My old microbio lecturer used to always get his class to run an experiment where people would test the growth of different types of good bacteria found in the gut using different food sources. Some would be random foods, others would be bio active drink made for the task and, ever present, was porridge (about the same thing). Porridge always won.
It also has one of, if not the lowest glycemic index of all carbs.