• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Boa, wieso müssen wir uns in diesem Land eigentlich jedes halbwegs progressive Vorhaben immer bis zum Scheitern zerpflücken lassen??

    Die Entkriminalisierung war ursprünglich eines der wenigen intern “unkontroversen” Projekte der Ampel, das die Einlösung einer progressiven Kernforderung (Grüne + FDP) der letzten Jahrzehnte mit signifikanten Einsparungen an Justiz- under Verwaltungskosten (SPD) verbunden hätte…an sich also erst mal alles Tutti Frutti!


    • Zunächst: Lauterbach präsentiert einen handwerklich unterirdischen Referentenentwurf, der Anbaugenossenschaften behördlich totreguliert, effektiven Eigenanbau faktisch ausgeschlossen und Konsum in der urbanen Öffentlichkeit letztlich verunmöglicht hätte
    • Dann: BT-Ausschuss bessert nach viel Kritik nach und bringt nach monatelangem harten Ringen einen halbwegs tolerablen Kompromiss zu Stande - Einbringung ins Plenum, Lesung und Verabschiedung sollten zeitnah erfolgen.
    • Nun: Law-and-Order Fraktion der SPD fürchtet um sein lieblings Schikanewerkzeug, bedient das drogenpolitische Framing der konservativen Opposition und torpediert letztlich den mit Müh und Not gefundenen Koalitionskompromiss
    • Bald?: Ampel-Koalition wird final abgewickelt, Kanzler Merz steht einer neuen rechtspopulistisch / reaktionären Koalition vor und jegliche Legalisierungsbemühungen sind erst mal wieder für weitere 16 Jahre ad acta gelegt…

    Liebe SPD, ich hasse euch auch! ♥

  • It’s always the same with these right-wing fuckers all over the globe - strong resistance to renewable energy and EV adoption, etc is - in my opinion - part of the very fabric of both the extremist right-wing AFD as well as of the centrist right-wing CDU in Germany as well…

    …Not to mention the liberal-conservative FDP, which didn’t do shit but play opposition within government (current coalition in Germany: Social democrats, Green Party + FDP) for the last two years…

    What exactly do your extremists currently do / propose legislation wise with regard to Sweden’s GHG emissions?

  • Yeah, sure, but don’t whine and complain to the US and Europeans when you are being surveilled, dehumanised and slaughtered in the future either by the Chinese themselves or by your corrupt, “democratically elected” leaders bribed by the PRC with its slave labour money. The “West” has certainly done some terrible things to the peoples of this world in the past - especially during colonialism - but compared to modern China or its “best buddies” (Russia, Iran, North Korea and all the other current autocratic fuckers in the world), (i) most of its citizens and officials have at least given up on imperialistic and national chauvinistic thinking and ideology and (ii) are not constantly trying to violently revise the legal international order (Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Tibet, South China Sea, etc.) by any violent or covert means possible!

    To avoid unnecessary discussion, I would like to point out that I fully recognise the West’s illegitimate and unethical interference in the second and third world in the past and present. But two wrongs do not make a right - every nation, power or entity is still subject to the same rules, norms and principles!

  • You are aware that this is over 5 years old data (2017!) for the German electricity mix, right?

    Please don’t get me wrong, the scale up of renewable energy sources is certainly not going fast enough in Germany (thanks to our conservative government that ruled the country for 16 years until 2021!), but please argue this position using the real data for 2023 (57.7% renewables in the German electricity mix)!

  • Yes, and that is exactly the reason why the energy transition in the heating sector (insulation, conversion to heat pumps, etc.) is proceeding so slowly in Germany! - The incentives for landlords to invest in energy-saving measures are simply non-existent if increased heating costs (higher gas prices) can always be passed on to the tenants anyway…