Looks like it’s got a jam. Did you reduce retractions with the direct hotend? If not, you are probably retracting way too far, which will cause filament to solidify in the cold area and jam up.
Looks like it’s got a jam. Did you reduce retractions with the direct hotend? If not, you are probably retracting way too far, which will cause filament to solidify in the cold area and jam up.
You don’t need to worry about memorizing chords. That will happen pretty much automatically. Start off with the ones the parent post mentioned and play some songs you enjoy. Focus on technique - getting each string to ring out cleanly, changing between chord shapes smoothly, staying relaxed. Play things slowly and have them nailed before you speed it up.
Once you’ve done that, you will have that first set of chords engeained already without even trying. Then add a few more and learn some more songs.
At a certain point (usually when you start moving further up the neck, learning lead lines, etc), you will also find that there are patterns to everything. You don’t actually need to memorize everything, because it’s all variations of shapes you already know.
At no point do you need to sit down with a book of chords and memorize it.
Pretty much every successful YouTube channel edits titles. It’s just part of the algorithm game now. You will often see videos cycle through several different titles shortly after release.
What setting are you trying to change? Some stuff can be done via CLI tools.
If there is high voltage present anywhere in your guitar, it’s a serious issue with your amp. There are high voltages present within a tube amp, but the amp isolates those from the input jack. The guitar itself only generates a tiny audio signal.