“Toxicity” is just like “racism”, newspeak to censor and bully, if you need to mention it you are the one doing the harm
“Toxicity” is just like “racism”, newspeak to censor and bully, if you need to mention it you are the one doing the harm
Damn after 70 years? Fascinating indoctrination here
“An anticapitalist tech blog”, enough said
No it’s because they promised to support lightning for 15 years, that’s the level of trust partners can put into apple which can’t be done for any other oem, especially shitty lagdroids
Ah good old censorship, always the answer
Ah the newspeak we all love
Censorship is cool again 1 month after reddit fucked up
Bidet says what is he is told to say, and often even struggles with that
He’s just regurgitating the shit he’s been indoctrinated with
Rossman is being spreading lies for some years now
Good! Next time they will be wiser
Big if true
Gender dysphoria can be cured with proper treatment, mutilation will worsen it