Across this vast Fediverse, I have encountered a trend of people answering questions with esoteric programming language speaking in tongues that I don’t understand, including under my own posts. I am a Boomer when it comes to coding and I am only 27. I don’t even know where I would start to learn it because programming is so diverse. I want to feel like I know what’s going on but I don’t. Coding is the future and the future is now and I am lagging severely behind. I guess I’m asking where a bumbling novice like me can learn more about where to start when it comes to programming.
I got you fam c sharp&g_acctid=243-039-7011&g_adtype=&g_keywordid=kwd-300944389858&g_ifcreative=&g_campaign=account&g_locphysical=9029574&g_adgroupid=150647307573&g_productid=&g_source={sourceid}&g_merchantid=&g_placement=&g_partition=&g_campaignid=20322806793&g_ifproduct=&utm_id=t_kwd-300944389858:ag_150647307573:cp_20322806793:n_g:d_m&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid-search&utm_term=learn c sharp&utm_campaign=US_Language:_Basic_-_Exact&utm_content=665296763695&g_adtype=search&g_acctid=243-039-7011&gclid=Cj0KCQjwk96lBhDHARIsAEKO4xZrfMu04R0BNa6k7upg-cbbviaCq5VLS6P1VTQwyHIiMj6tPE0ecYAaAg7cEALw_wcB
Free course, C# is a genuine pleasure to work in/learn. Runs in all OS environments, and is probably the most modern “general” language
Only way to learn is to start learning
Don’t mind me, just saving this comment too.
Lemmy allows you to save a comment without commenting btw. Just click on the three dot menu and then click the star.
Oh, I know. I was just saying that to tell them that their post helped another person.
Oh my bad then, ignore me hahaha.
Do you know how to do this on Memmy?
Also on Memmy and don’t see an option for this yet. Would be a great addition
Okay, C# is a music note which links with my fondness of music theory. Kewl.
Is C# really that nice to work in? I’m looking to expand my horizons past JS now that I feel fairly comfortable with one language.
It’s a genuinely nice language with tons of syntactic sugar. It’s fast, flexible and runs everywhere. Honestly my favorite language.
Other nice things about it is you can write object oriented code as well as functional style with it, so it even handles the style of code you prefer which is a lot harder to do with other languages. Finally it’s open source but also has deep pockets behind it so the language is constantly being pushed forward.
Yes, it’s nice and worth learning, especially if you try at both highly abstracted code and performance sensitive projects. Don’t get stuck thinking in c# though. Its brand of strict oop seems to be getting less popular these days.
I absolutely loved learning C# a few years ago. I haven’t touched programming since my last C# class and I’m probably going to relearn it later this week.
I’d go with Kotlin. It’s a really nice language, easy to learn if you already know JS (or even better, TS), and with KMM and Compose Multiplatform you can write apps which run natively on smartphones, browsers and PC/Mac.
I always prescribe learning Python over basically any other language (unless you’re gonna start doing some real low-level computating). It’s a much more relevant and popular language. C# isn’t irrelevant, you’ll just see Python used way more often. Python will also compliment JS much more.
C# is my primary language, so I’d certainly recommend it. It can be a little daunting to get into because it is a large ecosystem of tools, so you might want to watch some videos and keep things simple for a while.
For work I mostly use it for APIs for web sites, that might be a good place to start if you’re familiar with JS/TS front-end work. From there you might want to try Razor or Blazor for handling web UI work in C#. I’m not very experienced with that aspect of it, but it’s mostly been a positive experience (TBH I kind of prefer React, but I’d need to spend more time on the Razor/Blazor side to have a strong opinion).
The desktop development side in C# is kind of a mess at the moment. Maybe stick with web until you’re feeling pretty comfortable with the language.
It’s basically a cleaner, more concise version of java. It’s a good choice to study if you want to learn something very different from JS but with some familiar syntax. These days you can also run C# anywhere, so it’s very useful for app development.
If you learn C# you’ll be able to learn java very quickly as well.
Smh, you’re not even dumping them into Linux from scratch to learn C++ yet!
Hehe baby steps!
Fuck it, let’s go deeper: How to create an OS from scratch {using assembly language}